After purchasing the smart phone, all the users face the problem of extending the battery life. Most of the times mobile batteries do not give long life. Many times user forgets the charger when they go outside. There are some useful steps to extend your cell phone battery life.
1. If possible turn off the Internet devices
Internet browser consumes lot of power, while you are trying to get Internet access. Do not use Internet much, use only if it is necessary. Always turn off the Internet applications after your search is complete. Turn off the Wi Fi, GPRS, and WAP.
2. Turn off the Blue tooth
Many times people forget to turn off their blue tooth after the use. Blue tooth device takes much battery to transfer the data. Even if you are not transferring data, but switched on the blue tooth, it takes power, because its search always search for the devices to transfer data. For example: You turn on the blue tooth for 8 hours, then your battery discharge will be 50%.
3. Use ring tones without vibration
Ring tones take less power than the vibration. Vibration, back light and keypad sound takes much battery to work. Some people require back light to read any thing on the display, for this type of people it is advised to limit the back light based on their convenient.
4. Do not use the battery fully discharge
Many people use the battery until it is fully discharged or die. If you use like this the battery will give short life. Charge the battery, before it is going to fully discharge. In case it is fully discharged, off the mobile and charge it.
5. Decrease the screen brightness
Reduce the screen brightness up to 50%, it saves your battery charge. To give full brightness the mobile takes much power. LCD screens consumes less power to work.
6. Do not use the mobile for fun
Games, capturing photos, and using of navigation tools take much power to work. So do not use the mobile for fun.
7. Close all the mobile applications
Close the mobile applications after use. Generally mobile applications require heavy charge to work.
By following all the above tips you can extend the battery life of your smart phone.