It is important to understand the most commonly used industry terminology, if you are planning to advertise online. To advertise on the Internet, perform some research on them. Find the information about the website’s demographics that is the data about the size and characteristics of audience and psychographics – that is the personal information gathered by websites by requesting the users. Know the amount of traffic on the website. Once you have ensured that the website is apt for advertising, you should be aware of the following:
Banner: A banner is an advertisement in the form of a graphic image for advertising on the World Wide Web and can be seen on the web page that links to a position of the advertiser’s choice. Banners can be of any size and are generally in JPEG, SWF, and GIF format. The logo and message can be considered to determine the size of the banner that suits the advertisement.
CPM: CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions. It is the amount paid by an advertiser for displaying the banner thousand times on the website. This is the standard web advertising model.
CPC: CPC or cost per click is one of the online payment models. The advertiser’s pay for each click made by visitors on their advertisement banner.
Cookie: It is a file that resides on the web user’s hard drive in the computer. It is used by websites that helps to track the data about the user.
Reach: The reach for an ad is defined as the total number of visitors who see the ad.
Rich Media: It is an ad format that includes text with visuals such as the logos or graphics. With rich media, the ads can expand when user clicks or rolls over.
Affiliate marketing: It is the use of a website that sells products of other websites called affiliates that helps in marketing the products.