When you are in need of quick cash and you have antiques in your house which you want to sell them, it is better idea to approach a local antique dealer to get an easy solution. This can save you from paying the fees for selling online, collecting payments from buyers, shipping and packing etc. Further you may be worried of the items that can get damaged in the transit.
It is important to know what to do and what to expect before approaching a dealer as this can make a lot of difference in how well your deal is going. This article helps you in selling your antiques to the dealer successfully.
Tips For Selling Your Antiques
1) Doing research beforehand
Never expect the dealer to tell you everything that you need to know about the antique you’re owning before he buys from you. It is better to have an idea and know how much your antique is worth. Doing some research is a good idea to determine its value before attempting to sell your antiques to the dealer. Make sure that you evaluate the antiques condition, as this can impact greatly on how much it will be worth.
2) Expect to get 30-50% of the retail price
After you know that how much your item is selling for, walk in the dealer shop and don’t be surprised if they are willing to pay 30-40% of the retail price as shopkeepers have overheads especially when they want to modify the paintings to resell it. Moreover they have to wait for months or sometimes a year also to get the right price from the customers. It is better to proceed with the deal even if they are giving less than 50% of the retail price as you are benefited from getting a quick cash with minimum effort.
3) Be prepared for stating your price
Many antique dealers require the seller for stating their asking price as a point of starting for negotiation. It is better to know the least you are willing to take from selling your antique before walking to the dealer. You can start negotiating little above the price the dealer is willing to give. If you are lucky, your item may be the one that the shopkeeper has the ready market for it and you will get the price of the painting you started at.
If the shopkeeper is not ready to pay the price you are stating, don’t feel surprised or insulted. It is better to lower down your price as a part of negotiation.
4) Never look back after sale
Before selling an item, especially if it is an antique, think hard whether you really want to part from it. Because if you change your mind after selling the item and you are willing to buy it back, the dealer will not sell you at the same price you sold it to him.
Once the deal is done, don’t look back but count the cash you got from selling the antiques and go home happily.