In the 1990s, almost every animated movie became a hit and studios jumped in to battle Disney. In 1994 Disney released The Lion King, which became the highest grossing animated film of all time. The following year, Disney and Pixar released Toy Story, a technological masterpiece produced completely with computer animation. A string of computer-animated films followed. The Pixar film, Monsters, Inc. (2001), gave Disney another huge hit, the second all-time money earner for animated films. The revival of animated films made it fashionable for actors to voice the characters.…
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Internet Video Clips
Clip culture refers to Internet viewing and sharing of short videos. Video clips are often streamed from news recordings, movies, music videos, and television serials. Video clips help promising camera operators, producers, and video developers to enhance their careers. Motivational video clips are based on the aspect of inspiring viewers to give stimulus to a particular courageous behavior. These video clips are generally derived from award winning documentaries, motivational films, courageous stories, and motivational speeches. Some of them may be based on interviews of admired personalities who have inspired many…
Read MoreWill Smith’s legendary I am Legend
Well, I am legend came for the holiday season. I am searching for the ideal move for the holidays, which I plan for every holiday with my family and friends. I read the reviews about the Will Smith stared movie and came across some interesting things. Actually, the project originally planned to be made in the 1990s with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring, but abandoned later. Though the movie is based on the sci-fi work by Richard Matheson 1954, the script is updated to the day except the vampire section. I saw…
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