Every business owner should know about their statistics of business website because it helps them target the best markets for their businesses and allows them to measure, monitor, or track who is coming in and out of their website. From this data, they can develop their business and can overcome the pitfalls of their business. The data also lets them know what to continue doing and what to stop doing.
However, we all know that a website is successful when there is a huge traffic to it otherwise it does not make sense to do business. The fact is that, about 78% of all website visits rise from an online search. Getting found in search engines is the number one factor to increase traffic, sales and leads.
Following are some of the things that your website traffic tells you about:
- From what regional area visitors are coming: You can know website visitors when they find you or visit your website the world over. Statistics of your site will also tell you the exact country, state, city and will let you know the exact neighborhood.
- Keywords visitors used to find you: You can see from the statistics that which keywords visitors use more to visit your website. From this, you will know exactly which words bring you the most traffic and which words don’t.
- Sources of websites that are referring traffic to you: You can also know from which websites visitors are finding you. Statistics will tell you exactly which websites and search engines bring the most and the least amount of traffic.
- Demographics of your visitors: Statistics of your site will tell you the number of people visiting your site and also give you details of their income, ethnicity, age, education, gender, location, etc.
- Which pages are visited the most in your website: You can also learn from statistics which pages are most popular and how much time people are spending in reading those pages.
- You can also see whether your traffic is leaving as soon as they hit your landing page. Knowing that problem and resolving it will help you to improve your conversion rate.
You can, thus, know all this info from your website’s statistics.