How to Identify Gum Recession?

Dental problems like gum recession not only affect the oral aesthetics but also rises dental health issues. It is, therefore, necessary to identify the problem as soon as possible. Here are some signs or symptoms of gum recession.

  • As the gums recede, more surface of the tooth is exposed and visible.
  • When the tooth appear much longer, it indicates that there is gum recession.
  • Tooth appears notched at the gum line.
  • Tooth sensitivity is the other common indication of receding gums. As the gums recede, the cementum which covers the root of the tooth gets abraded. This makes the dentin tubules easily prone to external stimuli making the teeth sensitive to cold or hot, and sweet, sour or spicy foods.
  • With gum recession, there is a color difference between the enamel and the cementum. This changes the color of the tooth.
  • Cavities are formed below the gum line.
  • As the gums recede, they do not fill the spaces between the teeth and hence, the spaces appear to be larger.

These are the normal indications of gum recession. However, if the problem is due to the gum disease called gingivitis, then the gums appear puffy, red and swollen. Gum bleeding may be observed while brushing or flossing. Even, bad breath or haitosis is the other indication of receding gums. Gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis are the common causes of gum recession.

Once you observe these symptoms, consult a dentist and find the right reason of the problem. Consider the treatment options and further ways to prevent gum recession from the professional.

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