Inlays and outlays are similar to filling. Inlays and outlays are used when half or most of the teeth biting surface is damaged. They are substitute to filling. Inlays are mostly used for indirect restoration of the teeth consisting of gold and porcelain which is fitted to the cavity of the teeth. Outlays are used to replace the cusp.
Benefits of inlays and outlays:
- It is the best alternative crowns that cover the whole teeth as it reduces the effect of tooth decay.
- The color of the teeth may not change for a long time.
- It safeguards the teeth structure.
- You can clean your teeth easily apart from the dental crowns.
- If you are having cavities take the inlays as it provides better sealing of teeth than the filling.
- This may strengthen the teeth and make it stable.
- Outlays protect your weak areas of the teeth.
Inlays and outlays treatment procedure:
To get the treatment completed you must visit the dentist twice:
- During the first visit the dentist will remove the area of the teeth which is damaged or the decayed part of the teeth, and will prepare for the inlay or outlay depending on the need.
- To check whether they fit properly or not, the impression of the teeth is sent to the laboratory for fabrication.
- Dentist will fabricate temporarily on your teeth and schedule you the next appointment.
- Temporary restoration is removed at the second appointment.
- At the time of the second visit, the dentist will remove temporary restoration on the teeth and check the inlay or outlay is fit for the teeth. If it is fit then the teeth is bonded with inlay or outlay with adhesive and finally the teeth is polished to get smoothness.
As traditional filling reduces the teeth strength, this procedure will not reduce the strength and in turn increases the strength by 75% so that the teeth operated with inlays and outlays lasts for years.
This treatment if beneficiary than the traditional method of filling. Inlays and outlays have more advantages than crowns and it is the best alternative for dental crowns. So, get benefited with inlays and outlays rather than the traditional methods that may cause side effects or pains.