Gum disease is a condition in which gum tissue and bone supporting the teeth becomes infected and inflammation of gum tissue takes place. It can be treated by using medications, deep cleaning methods such as root planning and deep scaling and surgical methods. If medications and deep cleaning methods are not treated effectively, then surgical treatments are done to cure the gum diseases.
There are different types of surgical treatments available based on the part of being infected.
Flap surgery
This method is used to remove the infection where medication and deep cleaning method does not treat the gum disease. This surgery is done to repair the bone damage caused by the gum disease. Sometimes it can done along with bone surgery
How is it done?
- Dentist removes the build-up plaque and tartar surrounding the teeth.
- Local anesthesia is given to numb the area where surgery is done.
- Dentist uses an instrument called scalpel to separate the gum tissue from teeth.
- Then gum tissue flaps are pulled back to expose the bone and root supporting the teeth.
- Plaque and tartar on bone is removed by scaling or root planning method and inflamed tissue is removed
- Then periodontist eliminates the bone defects if any and edges are polished using rotating burs.
- Then the flaps of gingival tissue are positioned and sutured in place.
- This surgery is also called pocket reduction surgery.
Bone grafting
Bone grafting surgery is performed where bone is destroyed due to gum disease. In this, the destroyed bone is replaced with synthetic or your own bone.
How is it done?
- In this plaque and tartar are removed surround the teeth using deep cleaning method.
- Local anesthesia is given to numb the area.
- Then the gingival tissue is pulled back to expose the bone and root of the tooth.
- Then root is cleaned and defects in the bone are filled with the bone grafting material like synthetic bone or your own bone.
- Then the grafting bony material is covered with the barrier to prevent the gum tissue to grow along the defected bone.
- Then the gum tissue is positioned in place and sutured. Then the site is covered with the surgical bandage.
- In later stages, the bone and soft tissue grow and fill the area and then teeth reattaches to your jaw.
Tissue grafting
Tissue grafting surgery is performed to replace the infected gum tissue with the tissue taken from the other parts of the oral cavity.
- Connective tissue graft: Use connective tissue taken under the roof of the mouth.
- Gingival graft: Use tissue under the roof of mouth
- Pedicle graft: Use gum tissue taken from the surroundings of the infected tooth.
This procedure is similar to bone grafting. In this infected gum is removed and the area is filled with the tissue grafted from the other areas and sutures are made.
Guided tissue regeneration
This technique is performed where bone supporting the teeth got destroyed. It stimulates the bone and tissue to grow to support the teeth. It is used in combination with flap surgery. A mesh like fabric is inserted between the bone and the tissue. This makes the gum tissue to grow where bone is growing to give support to the teeth.